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My Plan as Supervisor

As your Supervisor of Elections I will use my years of expertise to upgrade the systems the county uses to administer elections and inform voters. I will also be a fierce advocate for the goal that every eligible voter in the county is able to cast their vote. We will continue to vote on paper but we do need to modernize many of the other part of the Elections Department and its procedures.

  • Allow voters to vote at any precinct on Election Day so you can vote where you are in the county not just where you live. We know this already works because we already do this with early voting. This will shorten lines at opening and closing times and make it harder for groups or communities to be targeted for suppression since they would not be confined to voting in one location as they are today.
  • Adjust early voting hours on weekends to 9:00PM so the Orthodox Jewish community can vote after sundown on Saturdays and for more time for Souls to the Polls on Sundays.
  • Update on site precinct operations so that we reduce voter processing time.
  • Secure mail in voting so we know the person requesting the ballot is the voter instead of relying on signature matching as the sole means of verification.
  • Providing more accurate and timely information to individual voters using SMS and email so the Department reduces its reliance on the US Postal Service. This will greatly reduce costs since the Department does pay for postage.
  • Improve the integration of available state and federal data so that all and only legally eligible voters are able to exercise their right to vote.
  • Work to register High School Seniors in the country to vote and educate them on why they need to embrace voting at an early age

I would also be the Supervisor of the largest county in the state and so I would work with other like minded Supervisors to:

  • Improve Voter registration and education so more voters understand the limitations that come from registering as NPA.
  • Expand or adjust early voting hours so we can account for people working later in the evening; those who can’t vote on Saturday’s until sundown; or those who are trying to conduct Souls to the Polls events on Sundays.
  • Lobby the state to fix the identified errors, shortcomings, and legislative roadblocks to improving voter registration and turnout.
  • Work to change Florida law and Democratic Party policy so we have a primary system that encourages higher voter participation and allows independent voters to take part.
  • Work with the Departments of Corrections and Probations so the Departments provides accurate and binding information to voters who are seeking to reclaim their voting rights safely and without fear or reprisals.
  • Compel the state to pay for the return postage of all mail in ballots.
  • Solicit and accept Federal and State funding to develop and implement new solutions and technology to increase voter participation and assure election integrity.