Election Interference in Miami-Dade County
On July 23, 2024 I received a letter in my mailbox as part of my regular US Mail delivery (a PDF image of the envelope is below) addressed to an organization called “Independent Voices for Change” in care of my opponent Willis Howard.
I initially opened the notice without paying attention to the front of the envelope. Since this was clearly not a simple case of getting my neighbors mail by accident I immediately called the office of Deputy State Attorney Howard Rosen.
Whereas the receipt of an opponent’s US Mail, let alone a letter from the IRS addressed to a completely different address raises a number of red flags Mr Rosen instructed me (the following day) to retain the notice for collection by the investigator from his office, which I have done.
The 527 Under the Bridge
A review of the information on the outside of the envelope revealed that the address through the poly window of the envelope (1255 Biscayne Blvd) does not exist but is instead approximately the area located under the I-395 overpass at Biscayne Blvd (source Google Street View).

Decoding the Envelope
I also discovered that while the zip code would not have been correct for the address listed (33132) it was instead my zip code (33181) along with my unit number (953) appearing at the end of the street address (see above). Further review of the envelope led me to discover that whomever had altered the IRS’ records had given them my buildings Zip Code + Presort code 33181-3628 which appears at the bottom of the envelope: .
This information and barcode is how mail sorting equipment reads mail and it also explains how this envelope got sorted and wound up at my building despite the information in the address window. My letter carrier put it in my mailbox without looking at the rest of the address because the unit number was 953. The barcode is decoded for you at the end of this email using the USPS tool.
Who Could Be Responsible?
Who would do this and why were they so determined to do this and seemingly associate me with Willis’ 527 with an address under a bridge? The stunning level of effort to route a piece of mail to my mailbox (let alone the knowledge necessary to know that they would be able to do this) should give everyone pause. The person or party who did this committed several federal offenses including wire and mail fraud; not to mention tampering with a government database. This also reveals a real vulnerability at the IRS since this behavior could seemingly be repeated to reroute any number of individual or corporate taxpayer notices and correspondence to just about anyone.
Clearly, there is no possibility that this was just a coincidence nor is there any explanation for why this could have been the result of system generated or human error. It is, however, a fact that when I entered this race my other opponent JC Planas accused me of being a fake candidate who had gotten into the race to spoil his election. Creating this kind of connection between Willis Howard and I would seem to have been done to validate his accusations. I am providing the full text thread with his accusations regarding my candidacy including my full response so there is no question as to context.
I did not respond to his last comment.
Just last month JC was told to pay $5,000 for ethical issues by the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust for campaign related behavior on behalf of a client. His history in the Republican Party as a member of the Florida State House not to mention his having by his own admission “been involved in politics in this town for 30 years I have seen it all and I know how to recognize things when they happen” as a Republican political operative taught him what to do. This timeline would include the 2000 election recount debacle and the Brooks Brothers Riot; during which time he would have learned at the feet of infamous elections trickster Roger Stone. Mr. Planas’ campaign (or someone associated with it) is the only party with a reason to try and tie me to Mr. Harvey and JC’s previous statements (above) speak to his mindset on the issue.
All of this is for the IRS, State investigators, and the media to determine. The IRS should be able to easily identify the exact date and time the record for “Independent Voices for Change” was altered and what taxpayer credentials were used to do it as a starting place.
I am therefore calling upon the media to compel an immediate investigation by Federal, State, and local officials into who is responsible and how this occurred as this should not be seen as some random event; particularly given that Mr. Howard and I are political opponents in a 3 person primary with Mr Planas that already has started Early Voting.
Proof of IRS Notice Authenticity
This screenshot from the IRS shows the results for the search for “Independent Voices for Change”
This screenshot shows the address information that matches the information in the cello window on the envelope:
Decoding the USPS Barcode: